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The First Level of Discipleship


 "We develop trust as we interact with and get to know another person." - Cathy Duffy 

Without trust, there is no relationship. 

We begin our journey to become a Dynamic Disciple when we are Baptized. Whether as an infant or a teen or as an adult, the journey always begins with our baptism where we receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and God's sanctifying grace. We begin as a SEEKER. 


A SEEKER is someone who always wants to know more to the point where their mind becomes restless. If you are a SEEKER, you are not just curious you are defined by your curiosity. According to Cathy Duffy, seeking isn't just about observing and gaining knowledge, it's about exploring the world. 

There are different ways we TRUST at different times in our lives. Infants and young children have complete TRUST in the adults around them. It is TRUST in its purest form! Perhaps that is why Jesus told us that we should become like little children in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3-4)

TRUST  (From the beginning...)

Baptism to Age 4 (Begins with the family - the Domestic Church)       

TRUST at Baptism and during infancy and toddler age is only a matter of simple words and actions. A child's natural instinct is TRUST and the words and actions of the adults in his/her life model the earliest words and actions of a Dynamic Disciple. Some examples include:

  • Praying hands

  • Nighttime prayer (kneeling if possible, Guardian Angel prayer, simple blessing)

  • Guardian Angel nightlight

  • Mealtime blessings

  • Blessings over the child when dropped at daycare of school

  • Attending Mass and proper behavior

  • Making Sign of Cross and using Holy Water

  • Receiving  a blessing at Communion

  • Encourage your kids to create a daily quiet time habit where they learn how to grow close to God each day through Bible study


Age 5 - Ages 7: Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation (First Holy Communion, Confession)

TRUST during this time is determined by 

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