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CD of the Month Club
Subscription Clubs and More
CD of the Month Club
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Subscription Clubs and More

Journey of a Dynamic Disciple
Journey to Dynamic Disciple
The Journey to Dynamic Disciple can begin at any point in our lives. For some, it begins with receiving the first Sacrament of Initiation, Baptism. With strong parents, godparents and faith community, the child follows a path of Trust, Openness, Curiosity, Seeking, and then as adults, becomes a Dynamic Disciple.
For adults who have been baptized as infants, the various Thresholds (Forming Intentional Disciples Sherry Waddell) may take a lifetime or be completely abandoned. For still other adults, the Thresholds begin with only one encounter with a Dynamic Catholic who walks the road of faith with him/her. We refer to that person of faith as an Ananias. (ACTS 9:1 - 22)
With each Sacrament and each Threshold, the Holy Spirit is with us, guiding us as we travel the road to our final journey. With instructions, gifts and grace, we develop our various Charisms to help others and to enjoy the gifts from God that make our lives as Dynamic Disciples joyful and fruitful.
Once we are on the road to being a Dynamic Catholic, we are also moving along a parallel road in our parishes. According to Tim Glemkowski in his book, Made for Mission: Renewing your parish culture,