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CD of the Month Club
Subscription Clubs and More
CD of the Month Club
Subscription Clubs and More
CD of the Month Club
Subscription Clubs and More
Subscription Clubs and More

Journey of a Dynamic Disciple
Make This a Lent to Remember
Use Lenten titles in your kiosk and choose one of numerous additional ideas below
Lenten Titles:
Cristo en el Credo / Pasion, Muerte Y Resurreccion by Padre Juan Rivas translating Archbishop Sheen
Following the Call of Christ - Biblical Stories of Conversion by Bishop Robert Barron
Glimpses Along the Way of the Cross by Msgr. James P. Shea
Love Hurts: the Truth Behind Redemptive Suffering by Matthew Leonard
Love - Sacrifice - Trust by Fr. Michael Schmitz
Meditations on the Stations of the Cross by Dr. Ron Thomas
My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent by Bishop Robert Barron
Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues by Bishop Robert Barron
Seven Last Sayings of Christ by Dr. Scott Hahn
The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin by Fr. Francis Peffley
The Truth by Fr. Larry Richards
Three Days that Changed the World by Fr. Hector R.G. Perez
To Hell and Back: Divine Love and the Cross by Anne Marie Schmidt

Easter Titles:
The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction by Dr. Steven Smith
The True Meaning of Easter by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
BOOK: Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? by Carl E. Olson

Lenten PAMPHLETS: (click to view a sample)
Holy Week: Simple Ways to Walk with Jesus Spanish version
How to Form Your Catholic Conscience
How to Make a Good Confession Spanish version
How to Pray the Holy Rosary Spanish version
Lent with the Saints - Meditations and Prayers
Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis
The Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy
Ways of Forgiveness
Why Go to Confession

Lenten Ideas
1. Give a CD or Book to Each Family for Ash Wednesday or Easter
Give an incredible gift of Faith by giving a Catholic CD or book to every family for Ash Wednesday or Easter. Reach vibrant Catholics, including those who have never picked up a CD, as well as those who come to Mass only one or two times a year.
"We personally asked parishioners to donate for this cause. Within one week we had enough to order the 700 CDs! People were quick to donate and generous as they wanted to share the CDs with others." - Jen, St. Patrick's
"I used memorial money for a CD for each family. I placed a label on each CD that said 'Gift donated in memory of Andy.' I heard one say it was a wonderful way to honor Andy, and I know many think of Andy and pray for him when they hear the CD." - Fr. Paul Eberle, Sts. Peter and Paul
For ideas to maximize gift giving, click here.
2. Give One of Two CDs (or more) and Invite Exchanging
Give every family one of two CDs for Easter and invite people to listen throughout the week and exchange the CD for the other title the following weekend. (If using more titles, exchange another weekend or two, each time passing them to another person in the pew.)
"This past weekend was amazing - the response was beautiful! We continue to hear wonderful stories from people who have been touched by "passing the spirit." - Eileen, St. Gregory the Great
3. Offer Bundles with a CD for Each Week of Lent
Offer bundles of seven titles (ask a suggested donation of $25) and encourage people to listen to a CD a week for their Lenten devotion and one for Easter. If you don't have bundles made, you can even have them pick seven from your current inventory. For a sample pulpit announcement, click here.
"I was amazed at the response to the bundle announcement. We had to reorder more for the next weekend!" - Jeri, St. Joseph's
Encourage All to "Listen to One CD a Week for Lent"
Week 1: choose a title on confession from above
Week 2: choose a title on Eucharist from above
Week 3: choose a Lenten favorite from above
Week 4: My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent
Week 5: Seven Last Sayings of Christ
Week 6: Glimpses Along the Way of the Cross
Week 7: an Easter or Divine Mercy bonus from above
4. Have a Lenten Book Reading Plan
One can simply encourage parishioners to read a specific book with a simple schedule. One example is below:
Week 1 Intro & Secret 1 (pgs. 1 - 22)
Week 2 Secrets 2 & 3 (pgs. 23 - 66)
Week 3 Secrets 4 & 5 (pgs. 67 - 110)
Week 4 Secrets 6 & 7 (pgs. 131 - 164)
Week 5 Afterward (pgs. 164 - 180)
Week 6 Bonus Secret (pgs. 181 - 191)